What benefits does data transparency bring to your company in the age of sustainability? Is it possible to turn the endless stream of data into valuable information?
In today's age of the "smart factory," an endless amount of data is produced. For example, on average, every intelligent manufacturing company produces one million gigabytes of data per day!
This includes things like a machine's energy performance or the daily production of products in the production process. However, if not collected on a platform, it is difficult to keep track of the various data sets.
Achieving Climate Goals: A Challenge?
15,000 companies will be required to disclose their energy consumption and the size of their CO2 footprint according to the "Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)" starting in 2023. This affects companies with a staff of 250 people and 40 million euros in annual revenue. Fines in the millions are threatened if the requirements are not met.
These regulatory measures are intended to lead to the German industry saving 260 million tons of CO2 by 2030. Companies therefore need data transparency and internal digitalization measures to make targeted and reliable statements in accordance with the required sustainability reporting and to comply with regulatory requirements.
Can sustainability goals be reached and energy efficiently managed faster through digitalization in the company?
We all know that the manufacturing industry is one of the largest emitters of emissions. However, the potential for savings in terms of energy and resource efficiency is particularly promising in this industry (BITKOM study 2021).
Trilleco is developing the world's first 3-D IoT sustainability platform, helping companies measure, understand and reduce their sustainability footprint.
But first of all, what does data transparency mean?
Data transparency enables accessibility and comprehensibility of all corporate data. It helps companies to make the right decisions in an up-to-date and data-supported manner.
Together with traceability, data transparency leads to more trust and credibility within the company and between cooperation partners. At the same time, it meets today's need for control over one's own corporate resources and thus environmental expenditures.
Data and sustainability
Through data transparency, it is indeed possible to see in a short time to what extent your company is wasting expensive resources and contributing to climate change.
The increasing demand from international bodies for environmental, social and governance (ESG) transparency is driving companies to invest more in their sustainability reporting. Through the Trilleco IoT platform, it is possible to extract, track, visualize and ultimately manage data through increased connectivity. In addition, reports can be pulled, which serve as the basis for the ESG Report.
Trilleco in action: data transparency for greater sustainability
Most manufacturing companies have huge data silos filled with historical production data. Together with their business data, this represents the greatest value in the future. When pumped into a data lake and used in disruptive ways, the data can determine the future success of these companies. Trilleco can map and optimize the entire carbon footprint of
Companies and optimize it.
To do this, Trilleco has a software platform (SaaS, OnPremise or Hybrid) that connects the store floor and the rest of the enterprise.
In 3D and by means of dashboards, the combined company data is displayed, making it transparent and controllable for all process and production flows. This representation can be complemented by supplier data and basically provides GHG Scope 1, 2, 3 CO2 footprints and configurable other representations of all company parameters.
The IoT platform has an interface for common reporting formats (ESG, Catena-X, GHG), thus it forms a basis for sustainable compliance reporting.
In a further step, all underlying process steps can be optimized (energy management, inventory and asset management, CO2 savings, etc.).
In this way, business and production data can also be linked to supplier data. This generates clarity throughout the company and creates more transparency between the cooperation partners.
The solution thus helps to a great extent to comply with regulations, optimize processes and production flows, and save costs.
Energy consumption and digital twins
In 2019, energy consumption in the German production areas amounted to 42% of total primary energy requirements. Savings in energy consumption can be ensured, for example, through Trilleco's energy management.
In addition, with the help of digital twins, statements can be made about the condition of production facilities and energy consumption during production currently and in the future. A so-called "digital twin" is a replica of an object on a digital medium. In the manufacturing
In the manufacturing industry, this can be a machine, a production line or a factory, but also any process in general.
Sensors can be used to measure the status of a machine. Furthermore, potential process scenarios can be simulated in this way with the help of the digital twin and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
As a technology, digital twins thus ensure greater data transparency and efficiency.
Every indication counts against greenwashing
Now you know how important achieving data transparency and data-based decisions are for a sustainable future. Data transparency is the key to securing competitive advantages, complying with legal requirements and avoiding fines - especially in times of greenwashing.